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Update Log 29/01/23 In the last week we have been hard at work mainly finishing CoX but have also done a bunch of other things during our updates. Chamber of Xeric has been released. You can get there by using the teleport in the minigames tab. Venture into the chambers defeating a series of monsters alone or with a team; with a chance at being rewarded with a bunch of newly introduced items! Items added as rare rewards from Chamber of Xeric. Twisted bow, Staff of light, Elder chaos top, Elder chaos robe, Elder chaos hood, Twisted buckler, Kodai insignia, Dragon sword, Dragon hunter crossbow, Dinh's bulwark, Ancestral hat, Ancestral robe top, Ancestral robe bottom, Dragon harpoon, Dragon thrownaxe. You can craft a Kodai wand by using a Kodai insignia on a Master wand. Added NPCs and objects to Edgeville and given the ability to switch your home between Edgeville and Zeah. You can change this at any time using the ::sethome command. Redone most spawns in Nieve's slayer dungeon. Reworked the donator credit stores. Reworked the vote store, adding in new rares only avaliable by voting. Amulet of glory now allows you to teleport whilst in or below level 30 wilderness. Gave Vesta's longsword a special attack. You can now find Nurse Sarah at home, talk to her and she will restore your health. Added killcount tracking and PvM points to Revenants. Bandos godsword now only uses 50% special attack energy instead of 100%. Fixed Kraken's lair just being all black with whirlpools on the ground. Clue scrolls can no longer be equipped. Mining now gives mining skill points upon mining an ore or essence. All rocks at the Wilderness skilling area are now mineable. Baby Dragons now drop babydragon bones. Quest Tab has been overhauled to be more user friendly and appealing. Achievements interface has been overhauled to make it easier when tracking achievements. Rigour and Augury have been added, you can get the scrolls to unlock these from Chambers of Xeric.
Update Log 22/01/23 As those of you in the Discord have already seen, we have had a whole host of new content, bug fixes and more. Below is a list of everything we have been working on over the last few weeks. On behalf of the Tetra Staff Team I would like to thank you all for continuing to support Tetra. Boss Event has been added. Currently with 1 of 3 possible enraged boss spawning randomly at 1 of 5 possible locations every hour. These event bosses drop an Event Key, which will be usable on the Event Chest at home once we finish off the amazing loot tables for the chest! Highscores have been cleared and connection has been re-established. Your stats will appear on the highscore page the next time you log out. Redone item definitions for over 10,000 items due to incorrect note items etc. The vote links have been updated and are all now fully functional. Don't forget to ::vote every 12 hours for great rewards whilst helping us grow! The bonecrusher now crushes bone drops when you have it in your inventory. The right click options on the Slayer Masters now correctly perform the appropriate actions, giving assignments and opening the shop. Edited login messages, giving players more up to date information when they login. Now announces when a player logs in for the first time and when they login in general. Dragon darts are now thrown as expected. Added the ::discord command. All claws now equip correctly. Super Antipoison can now be drunk and has the correct effect. Ranging skillscape now gives Ava's accumulator effect. Spinach rolls can now be eaten. Brine sabre now equips correctly. Revenant cave has been fixed and added, the teleport in the PvM teleport tab will take you outside the level 40 wilderness cave entrance. Revenants have been added, there is a decent amount of revenants spawning. New items have been added and are dropped by the revenants. These items include Vesta's, Statius's and Zuriel's staff. Bracelet of Ethereum has been added as a revenant drop along with Revenant Ether. You can charge the bracelet using the ether, when worn the bracelet stops 75% of damage from revenants. Every attack from a revenant will reduce the amount of charges. If you die with the bracelet it becomes uncharged and drops any ether. Renamed NPC's at ::shops to be more inline with what they sell. Using a Pestle and Mortar on Lava Scales now makes Lava Scale Shards. Venenatis drop table has been added and now drops items. Bonds now give the correct amount of complimentary credits. Fixed Zulrah and some other bosses not spawning following the addition of the Revenant cave to the teleport tab. Added the healing effect to revenants, when they drop below 50% in health there is a 25% chance they'll heal. Craw's bow has been added as a drop to revenants. This bow must be charged with revenant ether but doesn't require arrows. You need to activate it with 1000 revenant ether. If you die with the charged version the 1000 ether will be lost and any other charges dropped as usual. The bow grants a 50% accuracy/damage bonus when used in the wilderness. The bow must have more than 1000 charges in it to function. Wilderness drops will now be announced. So watch out for those pk'ers!
Why should I donate? Donations are how we keep the server alive, paying for the best possible hosting and other server related bills. Advertising is also a very large cost and donations are how we afford to put up advertisements and gain players. Obviously whilst you allow us to keep the server running and gaining players you'll also be unlocking amazing benefits. What are Tetra Credits? Tetra Credits are a currency gained primarily by donating. They are usable in many different ways. The first of which is the Credit Store which can be viewed by trading Tobi. There is also a variety of ways they can be spent in what you probably know as the 'Notes' tab. There are also things such as slayer tasks from Nieve that Credits can be used for. What are the different ranks and how do I get them? There are currently 5 tiers of membership, when purchasing credits your money donated will increase and once your total reaches a certain amount you will automatically be given the rank to match the amount you have donated. Regular Member - $10 Super Member - $25 Extreme Member - $50 Elite Member - $100 Sponsor - $1000 What are the benefits of each rank? The benefits listed for each rank also include those listed for the ranks below them. Regular Member Access to the members area Ability to ::yell Super Member Able to set a custom yell title 2% drop rate bonus Extreme Member Ability to cancel slayer tasks for free No cost to get a slayer task from Nieve 4% drop rate bonus Elite Member Access to the elite member area Ability to ::bank 6% drop rate bonus Sponsor Access to the sponsor area Ability to plant mithril seeds 10% drop rate bonus 10% xp boost No cost to restore special attack What are Tetra Points? Tetra Points are different to Tetra Credits. Tetra Points can only be earned by members by killing monsters that can be found in any of the members areas. Each members area has a Tetra Points shop, the higher the rank required to enter the area, the better the items are in the Tetra Points shop. What is in the members area? Skilling facilities with banks close by Portals to member only bosses and Wyverns Monsters to kill to earn Tetra Points Range of different shops What is in the elite members area? Slayer monsters Portals to elite member only bosses and Wyverns Larger amount of skilling facilities Monsters that give more Tetra Points More shops If you wish to donate you can visit the store by clicking here.
IN-GAME RULES Flaming, disrespect, harassment or the use of inappropriate content will not be tolerated and after 3 warnings will result in a 24 hour mute. Spamming, advertising another community or talking about another server is not permitted and the punishment will be decided accordingly by a staff member. Misleading links, phishing, hacking, DDOS threats or similar actions will not be taken lightly and will result in a permanent IP and account ban. Avoiding a punishment, for example making another account to talk after being muted will result in a harsher and possibly permanent punishment. Using macros or third-party software allowing you to gain levels, money or any advantage will be handled accordingly by staff, possibly resulting in your account be wiped or even ban. Real World Trading (RWT) is not permitted on Tetra, under any circumstance should any goods, accounts or services be traded for real life items or money. This will result in a permanent IP and account ban. Encouraging others to break the rules, whether you know what you're asking/telling someone to do is against the rules or not is not allowed. This could result in both players being punished and the severity of the punishment will be decided accordingly by a staff member. Multi-logging to gain an advantage e.g. using several accounts to kill a boss, player or participating in a minigame is something that will not be taken lightly. Breaking this rule will result in a warning and/or temporary IP ban. Sharing accounts in any way is against our server rules. It is your responsibility to keep your account secure and be the sole owner of that account. If you do this the shared account will be permanently banned and players sharing the account will not be refunded. Scamming is not allowed, e.g. doubling money or impersonating other players. Scamming will result in a temporary/permanent ban depending on the severity of the scam. We do not refund items for scam events that involve giving items to other players for loans, trust trades or in return for "doubled" or any form of profit made. Retracting a donation made to the server will result in a permanent ban. When you donate to the server, you are making a donation not a purchase. As stated on the store page "donations made are non-refundable under any circumstances". The abuse of a bug, glitch or exploit is strictly prohibited and being caught doing so will result in a permanent IP and account ban. If you find a bug please report it as soon as possible. The punishments displayed above are simply guidance and can/will be adapted by staff members in accordance to specific situations.
Application Rules All applications must follow the format below or they will be declined. If you have an application declined you can not apply again for 14 days. You are not allowed to advertise/ask people to support your application. Application Format IRL name: In-game name: Age: Timezone: Previous experience: Why do you want to be staff on Tetra?: Additional information: Additional information is NOT required.
Application Rules All applications must follow the format below or they will be declined. If you have an application declined you can not apply again for 14 days. You are not allowed to advertise/ask people to support your application. You are required to fill in the Theory Analysis as well as the Application Format. Additional information is NOT required. Application Format IRL name: In-game name: Age: Timezone: Previous experience: Why do you want to be staff on Tetra?: Why should we pick you over other applicants?: Do you understand the role of a Server Moderator?: How long have you played Tetra?: Additional information: Theory Analysis 1. In your own words what is the role of a Server Moderator?: 2. If a Server Support needed help with a situation how would you approach it?: 3. How would you deal with someone who was abusing a bug?:
Application Rules All applications must follow the format below or they will be declined. If you have an application declined you can not apply again for 14 days. You are not allowed to advertise/ask people to support your application. You are required to fill in the Theory Analysis as well as the Application Format. Additional information is NOT required. Application Format IRL name: In-game name: Age: Timezone: Previous experience: Why do you want to be staff on Tetra?: Why should we pick you over other applicants?: Do you understand the role of a Server Support?: How long have you played Tetra?: Additional information: Theory Analysis 1. In your own words what is the role of a Server Support?: 2. If a new player joined the server and was stuck, what would you do/say to help?: 3. How would you deal with someone who has continued to flame another player after being warned?: